Guru Gossip Question

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Guru Gossip Question

Unread post by Frootloops3 »

If you couldn’t tell by the title, this question is about guru gossip, and not ytmommadrama. :D I haven’t been on gg actively in a few days, and was logged out automatically. I have forgotten my password and have now tried many many times to get in. Whenever I try the new password gg gives me, I still can’t get in (I’ve tried both uppercase and lowercase letters for the passwords).

I’m also known as Frootloops3 on GG, and know that ytmommadrama is related to GG, and was wondering if a moderator could help me get back into GG by looking into my account and seeing what my password is...

I know it’s a weird favor but it would help me a lot.
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Re: Guru Gossip Question

Unread post by ADMIN »

Did anyone ever help you with this?
Please be sure to specify YTMD for all inquiries.
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