Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by NormalName »

Creative74 wrote: Sun Jan 03, 2021 6:09 pm They sure are enjoying shopping these days WAY more than they are enjoying working and making money! Katie said on her IG story that she is picky about what furniture she gets and she is VERY specific on what she wants. They do NOT have the right to be this damn picky and specific about their stupid decor when they are THIS far in debt.
When are we going to see budgeting videos? That would have been a smart choice for the first of the year, because most people are trying to do better with finances in the new year. Instead, it's just a bunch of footage of yet more shopping. SMH.
I’m pretty sure they’re this far into debt BECAUSE of how damn picky she is.

I’m also going to use this opportunity to bring up again the damn barstools. Why did she need 4 new barstools if she was going to get a new table anyway? Or vice versa, why did she need a new table when they have 4 barstools?

All you need in life is somewhere to sit down and eat food, there is no reason why she needs to spend such an excessive amount. At the end of this they’ll have at least 8 places to eat in that kitchen. Why do they need that much seating space?! They don’t have friends and they moved far away from family, who’s going to eat there? The only thing she succeeded in doing was wasting money and space in her house
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by Guru_Gossip_Girl »

I don’t understand buying outdoor furniture cushions in the winter. That’s generally an item better purchased in the spring. Those cushions are just going to get dirty sitting outside, not getting much use right now either. $99 for a fake tree when you’re in that much debt is truly idiotic.
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by lmmomSD »

BishandDish wrote:Another thing! Lol!!

Our dining room table that we had for over 7 years, that was from Ikea broke. We got another 100 dollar one off of facebook market...because again we are in a similar position to cullen and katie without all their debt drama.

Yet of course she had to buy new. It's fine for them to sell all their shit on marketplace but they can't buy off of it? Because its beneath them. Unrelatable!
That is what I don't get-- they've sold a bunch of stuff on Marketplace. So it's not like they don't know the stuff is available. But I guess like you said, it's beneath Katie. My daughter wants a new dresser, and she is looking on Marketplace herself to find one.
How can anyone continue to support them? I'm still gobsmacked that a viewer rented to them! They always seem to land on their feet.

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by HashtagBlessed »

WatchinTheWreck wrote: Sun Jan 03, 2021 12:43 am
BishandDish wrote: Wed Dec 30, 2020 6:52 am I don't know how they aren't on the streets for real. How are they even bringing in income??

That last moving budget video was TERRIBLE. 9 months ago, Katie would've been like "OMG I CANT BELIEVE WE SPENT 500 dollars" Now its all "oh thats not that bad". No, it is bad. You can pack dinners/snacks, while driving its only 4 hours, not 4 days. They will never ever ever get out of debt. I promise within a year, they will buy a new home, and still be clawing to stay relevant. Why is getting regular jobs beneath them? If in reality YouTube pays the bills, they both could get regular jobs and just dump all that income into their debt snowflake or whatever its called. They don't daily vlog, they basically biweekly vlog. Yall aren't doing FUCKING SHIT, but sitting around all day. They need a real reality check. And how arrogant Katie is, and how dense Cullen is, its probably never going to happen.
What is striking me is the constant, oh we don't want to spend much on this because we plan to get bigger when we get a bigger house. Like seriously?!? Did they not learn their lesson. She just said that about the new dining room table, which was nothing to sneeze at, costing nearly $500. That was a beautiful table and chairs, and why do they need to upgrade to a bigger house with bigger furniture again? Why are they storing so much furniture with the plans of getting a bigger house again? Did they not learn anything? Don't preach that you are enjoying having less so you can enjoy the important things in life all while constantly saying you are still going to get a bigger house again. 1800 sq feet is nothing to sneeze at!!! It is perfectly normal! Keep the smaller house, pay off debt, save for vacations, college funds and retirement, all while being able to enjoy the life you have. They truly haven't learned any of the lessons they claim to have. And $500 to eat out because you are moving?!?!? Um, what??? Pack a cooler for the road with sandwiches, fresh fruit and drinks. Throw a pizza in the over to cook while you are unloading things. I can understand eating out a time or two during all that, but $500 worth!?!? Holy shit that is excessive!!
This is crazy to me! They are almost 40-years-old starting over from scratch with a shall we say unpredictable income. I highly doubt they were putting money towards retirement or college savings while in their debt spiral. They just lost all the equity in their home. They likely have nothing in savings. They have never once mentioned in a budget video what is going towards retirement or other savings needs. I get pausing those things if you have a huge amount of debt, but that's assuming every leftover penny is going towards repaying your debt, not furniture stores. At the rate they're going, they will never be able to afford a larger home, unless they plan on never retiring or never sending their kids to college debt-free. Those things are NOT cheap and most importantly you need time on your side to save for both. What do they plan to tell their kids? Sorry mom and dad can't afford a retirement home or health care in our old age, and sorry we couldn't afford to send you to college, but we made sure our home was impressive and vlog-worthy! They are going to be a huge financial burden on their kids.

No doubt they are taking everything they made on Facebook Marketplace and using it to buy mid-range new furniture and fake plants, rather than making due with the bare minimum and putting it all towards the debt.
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by BishandDish »

OMG They went to atHome to look at barstools. JUST USE WHAT YOU HAVE. STOP BUYING FAKE PLANTS FOR 100 DOLLARS.

I am seriously wondering if someone is helping them pay off their debt. They are living like they have no worries, and came into money.

I am just so disappointed, and I know that sounds silly. But, when they first started this debt journey, I really thought "Wow, they are realizing they are living beyond their means". I liked their channel, and thought it was really informative and showed a side of YouTube we rarely see. It was felt more genuine and mature. Now they are going right back to their normal selves. *shakes head*
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by Boymomma123 »

Okay so they bought the dining table that seats four. They have two bar stools that are functional for the time being. I don't understand why the "need" new stools right away. In my opinion they should have budgeted for one or the other. Four new bar stools or a table and chairs. Either way you have seating for everyone.

This whole "new aesthetic" crap they are using to justify ridiculous purchases is super annoying.

They are barely putting out content, what do they do all day? I just don't get it.

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by janaduggar »

What's the obsession of paying for children's college? What do you do with the money if they child doesn't want to go to college? Then what? They get to blow all the money?

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by HelloSweetie »

janaduggar wrote:What's the obsession of paying for children's college? What do you do with the money if they child doesn't want to go to college? Then what? They get to blow all the money?

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Saving for college is all about opportunity and stability. We have saved for our children’s college education since they were born. We also save for retirement, have investments and own two properties. If our children don’t choose to go to college then the money is there for anything else they pursue. It’s our money and it feels great knowing it will be there to help them pursue their dreams without having to go into debt in the future. We can continue to save for retirement well after our children turn 18, and won’t have to figure out how to help them. Saving is never a bad thing.

That said, C&K were handed too many opportunities and taught to feel entitled to privilege. They should be saving for their child’s college, but barely have enough money to support themselves. If they took their monthly alcohol budget and saved it for the kids school however, it would be a nice amount by the time they go to school. They have so many better choices they could be making in order to save for the kids (and their own!) future.

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by lmmomSD »

BishandDish wrote:OMG They went to atHome to look at barstools. JUST USE WHAT YOU HAVE. STOP BUYING FAKE PLANTS FOR 100 DOLLARS.

I am seriously wondering if someone is helping them pay off their debt. They are living like they have no worries, and came into money.

I am just so disappointed, and I know that sounds silly. But, when they first started this debt journey, I really thought "Wow, they are realizing they are living beyond their means". I liked their channel, and thought it was really informative and showed a side of YouTube we rarely see. It was felt more genuine and mature. Now they are going right back to their normal selves. *shakes head*
See, I never bought their "we want to get out of debt" story. They had excuses for everything: we can't get rid of the Suburban because we need 2 cars in case one of us is out when we need to show the house. We don't need to get jobs because YT supports us (if it did, they wouldn't be so deep in debt). We need to go out for Mexican food because the kids are used to going out for Mexican food on Friday night, and we can't disappoint them. We can't stop sending Gaines to gymnastics because she's SO talented.
People who are really trying to get out of debt don't make all the excuses they did, from the very beginning. I'm sorry you're disappointed, but I knew they weren't serious about it from the very first "debt journey" video. What they want is some magic wand to make their debt go away. They don't want to work for a living, or work to pay their debt.

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by snkjdgs »

HashtagBlessed wrote: Wed Aug 12, 2020 7:01 am
irishmiss wrote: Wed Aug 12, 2020 6:03 am Sorry my mistake I forgot about grad school. Just one thing struck me though in the draw my life video- Katie said they lived in the garage apartment while she was in grad school for 4 years. Isn't grad school more like 2 years? I think its the equivalent of a masters where i live and that is certainly not 4 years + a year internship like Katie did.

I still struggle to beleive it wasn't in the plans for Cullen to improve his career prospects and provide for his family so Katie could work less or stay home when they had young kids. I bet it was a condition of Katies parents supporting the marriage and paying for a wedding etc. If that's the case then I still think he has let the side down. Again none of this is to say Katies attitude these days is ok but I do want to understand how she became this way.
It sounds like her PhD program was 4 years of coursework, followed by a one-year internship. She got her PhD from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, did her internship in Tallahassee, for a total of 5 years. Depending on the program, a PhD can take about 5-7 years.

I don't know how it works in other families, but I'd be surprised if her parents were involved in the details of their family planning or how they planned to support said family. I don't get the impression that Katie needed her parents "permission" or that they had conditions attached to paying for a wedding, such as Cullen needed to make a certain amount of money. I would guess many parents assume that their adult children can make those decisions themselves. I don't get the impression her parents are overly involved. I think the Dave Ramsey book was probably the extent of their unsolicited advice. My parents will offer advice if asked, but they certainly didn't ask how much my husband would be making in the future or if we would be a one or two income family after kids.

"I am a firm believer that it IS possible to stay on track with quickly paying off debt while allowing yourself a few special extras every now that then."

Ummm okay so when are you sharing the amount of debt you'd paid off in June, July, and August?

They shared back in February that after selling a bunch of stuff there were able to put $13K towards getting current, and they had $900 more to go to be completely current. They were only making minimum payments while trying to get current. (I'm sure that number has creeped back up as more bills have come in and been ignored.) Their next update came June 1, when they said that they've paid off an additional $12,335, for a total of $25,335 paid since they started. But they also made a lot of excuses about how they didn't pay off as much because they wanted a bigger safety net and their income was getting cut due to Covid. The reason that $25K figure is not that impression to me is because they reached it largely by selling useless big ticket items they had lying around, likely put on credit cards. So while using the sale of those items to get current, the original purchase price is still sitting on their credit card, accumulating interest. It's another example of how they rob Peter to pay Paul and continue to screw themselves over. They need to dramatically increase their income and live on substantially less than they bring in.

The total debt number they shared was $100,045. I'm not sure if that includes the car? I know it doesn't include the house.

Katie doesn't seem to understand that they owe more on their house than it's currently worth, and that's going to be super expensive to get out of. So no, you probably shouldn't be splurging on dinners out.
Catching up on a bit of their lives after a year away. How would COVID affect their income? They have no jobs and from what I understand get all their income through their social media ventures which is done from home and would not be qffected by COVID.

These vlig stories about debt and no income are goin ggv to be embarrassing for their kids once they hit pre-teen.
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by snkjdgs »

Ducklings4 wrote: Wed Dec 09, 2020 4:03 am Sorry Grand dolly and doc raisers classless lazy woman. What was with her waving the fork around while talking to the camera? My children were taught that was inappropriate in grade school. I kept saying to the vlog that’s a funny flag you’re waving Katie! Put your fork down while speaking. I know it seems petty, but manners are in important and she has none. I don’t even know what she said because of the fork waving. Gaines making the face when food was served was just as rude and they encouraged it by laughing. I truly despise rude people. I guess that makes me no better, my apologies.

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I see Gaines growing up to be just like her mother.
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by BishandDish »

lmmomSD wrote: Mon Jan 04, 2021 6:34 pm
BishandDish wrote:OMG They went to atHome to look at barstools. JUST USE WHAT YOU HAVE. STOP BUYING FAKE PLANTS FOR 100 DOLLARS.

I am seriously wondering if someone is helping them pay off their debt. They are living like they have no worries, and came into money.

I am just so disappointed, and I know that sounds silly. But, when they first started this debt journey, I really thought "Wow, they are realizing they are living beyond their means". I liked their channel, and thought it was really informative and showed a side of YouTube we rarely see. It was felt more genuine and mature. Now they are going right back to their normal selves. *shakes head*
See, I never bought their "we want to get out of debt" story. They had excuses for everything: we can't get rid of the Suburban because we need 2 cars in case one of us is out when we need to show the house. We don't need to get jobs because YT supports us (if it did, they wouldn't be so deep in debt). We need to go out for Mexican food because the kids are used to going out for Mexican food on Friday night, and we can't disappoint them. We can't stop sending Gaines to gymnastics because she's SO talented.
People who are really trying to get out of debt don't make all the excuses they did, from the very beginning. I'm sorry you're disappointed, but I knew they weren't serious about it from the very first "debt journey" video. What they want is some magic wand to make their debt go away. They don't want to work for a living, or work to pay their debt.

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Oh I'm not losing sleep over it! Just more like "dang I thought you guys were learning", but nope.

I don't want to see anyone fail, but they never seem to learn. That's why I feel like someone has to be bailing them out. Like you said, they never sold their second car, even though neither of them have 'real' jobs. That has always bothered me the most. Get a damn job. Both of their kids are in school, what are they even doing all day when they only post 1 time a week if they're lucky. I don't get how they have ANY stable income.
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by Creative74 »

It's now January 5th and still no budgeting/debt video! If you really want to gain followers who want to fix their finances, you should have already put out a video like this for New Year's Resolutions. But.. NOPE.
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by WatchinTheWreck »

Boymomma123 wrote: Mon Jan 04, 2021 1:13 pm Okay so they bought the dining table that seats four. They have two bar stools that are functional for the time being. I don't understand why the "need" new stools right away. In my opinion they should have budgeted for one or the other. Four new bar stools or a table and chairs. Either way you have seating for everyone.

This whole "new aesthetic" crap they are using to justify ridiculous purchases is super annoying.

They are barely putting out content, what do they do all day? I just don't get it.

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Since they love the barstools they have, why not just spray paint them a different color. Cheap way to make them more what they want, saves money and would make for a good DIY video. They could even DIY cushions for them as well.

Katie mentioned that they put the kids furniture into storage because it didn't fit in the new bedrooms. So they are paying storage fees for furniture they don't need AND buying new furniture that fits into the smaller house. Why not just sell all the furniture that doesn't fit, have no storage fees and then get the smaller furniture? They really haven't learned their lessons at all and I predict this is going to be a never ending cycle with them.
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by bootsncats »

I agree with ImmomSD.... I never really believed their debt journey either. The only "debt" journey they were on was to make a bunch of BS videos that tried to tap into a new audience so that they could get their views up and THAT is how they planned to pay off debt. There was no real plan other than that!!!

I, too, cannot even believe they are paying to store furniture that is too big for the rental house AND buying brand new furniture that they say will then be TOO SMALL for the "next" house they want. They are certifiably insane.

Also, I GUARANTEE that they have the following conversation with Gaines and Brooks when they are ready to go to college....

"See, OUR parents paid for college for us and helped us with a downpayment on our first house, etc. We had support and help and we think it made us bad stewards of money so... YOU are going to get to WORK your way through college."

To clarify, I don't think any one way is the "right" way to fund college for your child. What I DO think is that Cullen and Katie are major hypocrites!
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by janaduggar »

WatchinTheWreck wrote:
Boymomma123 wrote: Mon Jan 04, 2021 1:13 pm Okay so they bought the dining table that seats four. They have two bar stools that are functional for the time being. I don't understand why the "need" new stools right away. In my opinion they should have budgeted for one or the other. Four new bar stools or a table and chairs. Either way you have seating for everyone.

This whole "new aesthetic" crap they are using to justify ridiculous purchases is super annoying.

They are barely putting out content, what do they do all day? I just don't get it.

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Since they love the barstools they have, why not just spray paint them a different color. Cheap way to make them more what they want, saves money and would make for a good DIY video. They could even DIY cushions for them as well.

Katie mentioned that they put the kids furniture into storage because it didn't fit in the new bedrooms. So they are paying storage fees for furniture they don't need AND buying new furniture that fits into the smaller house. Why not just sell all the furniture that doesn't fit, have no storage fees and then get the smaller furniture? They really haven't learned their lessons at all and I predict this is going to be a never ending cycle with them.
Katie just put up ig stories about spray painting them.

Hi Katie! Image Time to get grown up jobs and stop buying shit.

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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by NormalName »

bootsncats wrote: Tue Jan 05, 2021 10:57 am I agree with ImmomSD.... I never really believed their debt journey either. The only "debt" journey they were on was to make a bunch of BS videos that tried to tap into a new audience so that they could get their views up and THAT is how they planned to pay off debt. There was no real plan other than that!!!

I, too, cannot even believe they are paying to store furniture that is too big for the rental house AND buying brand new furniture that they say will then be TOO SMALL for the "next" house they want. They are certifiably insane.

Also, I GUARANTEE that they have the following conversation with Gaines and Brooks when they are ready to go to college....

"See, OUR parents paid for college for us and helped us with a downpayment on our first house, etc. We had support and help and we think it made us bad stewards of money so... YOU are going to get to WORK your way through college."

To clarify, I don't think any one way is the "right" way to fund college for your child. What I DO think is that Cullen and Katie are major hypocrites!
I think they’re in major denial about how long they’ll be in that house (or a house similar in size). They seem to assume they’ll be out in a year or so, and then move into a big house again. But if they don’t have any help, they’d have to pay off their still huge amount of debt AND save for a downpayment on a new house. They’re not even close to paying off their debt, so they’ll EASILY be in that house for years. There is NO REASON to keep that big furniture.

Plus we all know Katie; if they ever get a bigger house again, that furniture “won’t be her style” anymore! Shell just get new furniture again anyway!
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by Hannah »

Boymomma123 wrote: Mon Jan 04, 2021 1:13 pm Okay so they bought the dining table that seats four. They have two bar stools that are functional for the time being. I don't understand why the "need" new stools right away. In my opinion they should have budgeted for one or the other. Four new bar stools or a table and chairs. Either way you have seating for everyone.

This whole "new aesthetic" crap they are using to justify ridiculous purchases is super annoying.

They are barely putting out content, what do they do all day? I just don't get it.

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They need them because Katie seems to have a bona fide shopping addiction. I'll bet a million bucks that one of her "love languages" is gifts. Buying herself things is how she "loves" herself. She can't help it. This TOTALLY comes from Grandolly. She started Gaines a charm bracelet when she was born, I think, that she adds a charm to each year. This makes it sentimental. Katie has been trained (raised) to perceive objects as sentiments. Sentiments or "sentimental" means having to do with feelings. If you express a feeling toward someone, it's called sentiment. Objects can be sentimental because they evoke a "feeling" associated with the object. In Katie's family, Grandolly has taught her grandchildren that "I love you when I give you things and I make sure to attach sentiment to it." Gifts = Love. At least, that's my perception of the woman.

You do NOT dedicate an entire room in your home to gifts and gift-wrapping without placing a very high priority on gift-giving (which Kelly has in her house). This puts gifts at the same level as a member of the family. The priority is so high, it is given its own "living space" in the home. The more Katie feels unloved by her family, including Cullen, the more she will spend - just watch. This will only escalate.

Their debt journey was a show they put on for their family. That didn't work or at least not well enough, so they moved to another town where they could REINVENT themselves - which they ARE doing. They are changing their identity right before our eyes. Or I should say KATIE is changing her family's identity to avoid the shame she feels at having to downsize. Katie knows that their audience could give less than a rat's ass about barstools. These videos and social media sharing are really for their family who is also watching. lol ;) There is also the problem that she sees food as a gift, as well. She uses food to "gift" herself. That's why eating out is a problem. If she can't buy stuff, she'll buy food. It's the same for her. The problem is not the things she buys, but the buying of things themselves.

She's extremely manipulative, too, but not very good at it! Cullen is just not very aware of what's happening around him (that's a choice he makes) and she takes advantage of that BIGTIME.

Cullen wants to be in the dark/denial about what is going on with her so that the responsibility is never his. The way she hides purchases or justifies spending is glaringly obvious. He could ask to see the spending, the receipts, the budget, the bank account balance AT ANY TIME, but he doesn't. It's pretty clear that he's not aware of the budget or total spending until they are making the videos. I believe his shocked expression in those is genuine. That's inexcusable. He's a perpetual sixteen-year-old and Katie is his substitute mother. I'll bet there is plenty he hides from her, too. Relationships like this are very rarely one-sided. If she's doing it behind his back, then he is doing stuff behind her back and that's why he's content not to call her out on her bs. He's got bs of his own that he doesn't want to stop doing. Tit for tat.

The main problem I have with this family is not their financial irresponsibility, it's their drinking. I was disgusted at the way Cullen was pretending and encouraging his children to pretend as if they were drinking alcohol with their Thanksgiving meal. Cullen is literally grooming his kids to drink. I hope they keep their alcohol behind locked doors. (Katie, you reading this?) Their kids are going to get curious about the real stuff sooner rather than later, and by what I saw in that video it will be Brooks. Katie has chosen Gaines as her "mini me" and Cullen has chosen Brooks. Cullen is basically a drunk frat boy who failed to launch and I predict that Brooks will choose drinking as a way to bond with his dad (and dad will encourage it).
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by wishes »

Wow, Hannah, your in depth response was very well written. I apologize if I'm way off base but I somehow got the feeling you may be a psychiatrist or therapist? I weirdly felt soothed reading what you wrote and how clearly you explained each topic.

Moving on, you are right about Katie's love language being gifts. I'm pretty sure she mentioned that is her love language. I believe it was mentioned when Cullen gifted her a Louie Vuitton hand bag as a push present for either Gaines or Brooks.

And interesting observation about dedicating a room to gift-wrapping, wow! Never thought about it that way, unless it was intertwined with a craft room then it would never have crossed my mind.

I haven't watched their videos in awhile, but I'm very taken aback Cullen grooming his kids to drink alcohol by pretending they were drinking adults drink. That is so sad and heartbreaking, just as Katie is turning Gaines into her by thinking materialistic and getting the high of buying stuff.

Those poor kids. It just now dawned on me that we're witnessing these kids grow up, being groomed by their parents in the wrong way on how they will live their lives. Yikes.
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Re: Cullen and Katie: Losing the house, no jobs for either spouse | Part #27

Unread post by HelloSweetie »

wishes wrote:Wow, Hannah, your in depth response was very well written. I apologize if I'm way off base but I somehow got the feeling you may be a psychiatrist or therapist? I weirdly felt soothed reading what you wrote and how clearly you explained each topic.

Moving on, you are right about Katie's love language being gifts. I'm pretty sure she mentioned that is her love language. I believe it was mentioned when Cullen gifted her a Louie Vuitton hand bag as a push present for either Gaines or Brooks.

And interesting observation about dedicating a room to gift-wrapping, wow! Never thought about it that way, unless it was intertwined with a craft room then it would never have crossed my mind.

I haven't watched their videos in awhile, but I'm very taken aback Cullen grooming his kids to drink alcohol by pretending they were drinking adults drink. That is so sad and heartbreaking, just as Katie is turning Gaines into her by thinking materialistic and getting the high of buying stuff.

Those poor kids. It just now dawned on me that we're witnessing these kids grow up, being groomed by their parents in the wrong way on how they will live their lives. Yikes.
I thought her post was a bit reaching and far too black and white tbh.

Doc and Dolly did not set Katie up to be how she is. Dolly and Kelly are fully functioning adults. We have seen evidence many times that Dolly is not supportive of what Katie has become.

A new charm every year for Gaines is a nice keepsake from her grandmother, it’s not the problem. Sentimentality over treasures is not a bad thing. Prioritizing things based on worth alone is absolutely Katie’s problem. Her constant entitlement and desperate need to show off and deny reality is the problem.

And Katie drinks as much as Cullen does. Can we stop making him the scapegoat? He said he had a problem and she told him he didn’t because SHE didn’t want to drink less herself. That’s a problem.

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